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My Philosophy
Full Circle Doula Services

There are many different views on childbirth...

I ultimately believe in a woman's right to choice.  Many laboring mothers experience a feeling of loss of control during labor and delivery.  A doula works to counteract those feelings.  I believe that no matter how a birth proceeds, that as long as the mother feels in control of the situation, has weighed the benefits against the risks, and that she has all the necessary information to make an informed decision, that she will come away from a birth knowing that she made the best possible choice in any given situation.

I believe it is my right to educate woman prior to labor on the policies and practices of their hospital.  It is my duty to disclose everything that I know regarding natural versus medicated birth, pointing out both the benefits and risks to all birthing options.

I believe it is a mother's choice to use medication in labor.  I am not opposed to medication, as I believe every option provides both benefits and risks, and may be more appropriate than the alternative in a given situation.

It is my duty to stand beside the mother and back her up on any and all decisions she makes.  I will never criticize or demean her for making any birth decisions.  The mother has the ultimate say in any and all decisions made and I respect and understand those decisions.

I believe it is every woman's right and personal decision to choose to breastfeed or not.  It is my duty to educate as to the alternatives, benefits, and possible outcomes of breastfeeding.  It is also my duty to understand the wants, needs, and desires of the mother or family.

My duty as a doula is to educate, support, and provide peace of mind and a calming atmosphere to all of my clients.

"I was reading a HBAC story yesterday and emailed the woman who wrote it, telling her that her story gave me a lift and renewed inspiration. She in turn wrote me: "Thank you. Your comments have brought me full circle in my journey." I'm sure you see the magic in that comment."
                  ~Amy Skeans, client
