This was taken November
Background Information
am currently holding on taking new clients because I have recently changed jobs and am no longer certain about my job flexibility.
I now work as an Admissions Counselor and am continuing my studies in Counseling. I hope to graduate in May 2005.
Please e-mail me with any questions you may have, I am always happy to speak with potential clients and will definitely
stay involved in the "doula business." In the meantime, I would like to recommend you to my back-up, Rita Lightle.
She is an accomplished doula and the head of At Your Side Doula Services. Her web address is: https://www.angelfire.com/mo3/atyourside/
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and birth have interested me for many years. The research that I did on the topic lead me to ask the question, "What is a
doula?" Since then, I have read many articles and books published on research done on the effectiveness of a doula. I have
come to truly believe in the positive difference a doula can make in your childbirth experience.
I am currently certified
through DONA (Doulas of North America), a highly respected certifying organization, and plan to become a career doula. I completed
my doula training in October 2001.
On a more personal note, I graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia
with a Bachelors degree in Psychology and am currently working on my Masters degree in Counseling. I live in Columbia,
Missouri and service the Columbia, Fulton, Jefferson City, and surrounding areas.
Professional Accomplishments
Certified Doula
(DONA) - February 2003
Member of Doulas of
North America (DONA) 2001-present
Member of the
Mid-Missouri Doula Cooperative 2001-present
Doula Certifying Training Course – October 2001, Doulas of North America (DONA)
Certifying Childbirth Education Course – October/November 2001, University Hospital
Certifying Breastfeeding Course – November 2001, University Hospital
VBAC Course – February 2002, Boone Hospital
Pregnancy Counseling Course – October 2001, Open Arms Pregnancy Center